Tips to use While on Vacation- Ortho Edition

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We are in full swing of summer and families hitting the road for vacation are well underway. As you embark on a fun filled holiday of your own, it is important to maintain good practices when it comes to taking care of your braces and overall oral health. No one wants to break a wire while on the beach!  Before departing for your summer vacation, take with you some of Dr. Zaytoun Jr’s tips in order to keep your braces safe, happy and healthy!

  • Bring an oral hygiene kit (toiletry bag) that includes your toothbrush, floss and mouthwash. Some grocery stores and pharmacies sell kits just for people who have braces!
  • Use the floss to get in-between brackets and underneath wires.
  • Use the wax given to you from your visits to put on wires should they rub or poke the sides of your mouth.
  • Make sure you smile and show off your cool colored bans to everyone you can!

Ok, now we know the basics, but what about when you want to cheat and eat something maybe you shouldn’t?  After all it is vacation right? Disregard the temptation and avoid these foods in particular when traveling:

  • Sticky food items
  • Whole fruits like apples, pears, etc.
  • Corn still on the cob
  • Crunchy/hard foods like nuts, jerky and granola
  • Anything frozen

Those of you, who have Invisalign, make sure to keep up the practice of wearing your aligner trays for 21-22 hours a day and taking them out when eating.  Continue to brush and floss as well to maintain good oral health.
By remembering these tips along your travels, you are due to have a vacation full of fun and happiness….oh and healthy braces!

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